Four Reasons You Should Be Using Anti-Aging Products in Your Twenties.

Many women, and some men, make the mistake of thinking that anti-aging products should only be used as one starts to creep more closely to middle age. The truth is, you would likely be better served to start using them in your mid-twenties as a skin care prophylactic. It’s tough to reverse damage once it’s started, so if you’re only beginning after you’ve started to see sagging skin or wrinkles, you’re likely not going to get the best results because you’ve been doing it backwards.In our twenties most of us revel in the beauty that is younger skin, free of the hormone induced pimple-pocolypse that were our teenage years. We don’t sleep enough, we get too much sun, likely forgetting sunscreen most days, and generally don’t think ahead to the days when we’ll start to experience crepey skin, line and crows feet. Genetics also plays a role in how our skin ages and some of us will start to see the signs before other. If by looking at your mother and grandmother you know that you’ll have great skin, that still shouldn’t preclude an early start. What we all need to be doing is heading off disaster at the pass, as quickly as possible.
In our twenties most of us revel in the beauty that is younger skin, free of the hormone induced pimple-pocolypse that were our teenage years. We don’t sleep enough, we get too much sun, likely forgetting sunscreen most days, and generally don’t think ahead to the days when we’ll start to experience crepey skin, line and crows feet. Genetics also plays a role in how our skin ages and some of us will start to see the signs before other. If by looking at your mother and grandmother you know that you’ll have great skin, that still shouldn’t preclude an early start. What we all need to be doing is heading off disaster at the pass, as quickly as possible.

In our twenties most of us revel in the beauty that is younger skin, free of the hormone induced pimple-pocolypse that were our teenage years. We don’t sleep enough, we get too much sun, likely forgetting sunscreen most days, and generally don’t think ahead to the days when we’ll start to experience crepey skin, line and crows feet. Genetics also plays a role in how our skin ages and some of us will start to see the signs before other. If by looking at your mother and grandmother you know that you’ll have great skin, that still shouldn’t preclude an early start. What we all need to be doing is heading off disaster at the pass, as quickly as possible.

In our twenties most of us revel in the beauty that is younger skin, free of the hormone induced pimple-pocolypse that were our teenage years. We don’t sleep enough, we get too much sun, likely forgetting sunscreen most days, and generally don’t think ahead to the days when we’ll start to experience crepey skin, line and crows feet. Genetics also plays a role in how our skin ages and some of us will start to see the signs before other. If by looking at your mother and grandmother you know that you’ll have great skin, that still shouldn’t preclude an early start. What we all need to be doing is heading off disaster at the pass, as quickly as possible.

In our twenties, most of us revel in the beauty that is younger skin, free of the hormone induced pimple-apocalypse that were our teenage years. We don’t sleep enough, we get too much sun, likely forgetting sunscreen most days, and generally don’t think ahead to the days when we’ll start to experience crepey skin, line, and crows feet. Genetics also plays a role in how our skin ages and some of us will start to see the signs before other. If by looking at your mother and grandmother you know that you’ll have great skin, that still shouldn’t preclude an early start. What we all need to be doing is heading off disaster at the pass, as quickly as possible.

In our twenties, most of us revel in the beauty that is younger skin, free of the hormone induced pimple-apocalypse that were our teenage years. We don’t sleep enough, we get too much sun, likely forgetting sunscreen most days, and generally don’t think ahead to the days when we’ll start to experience crepey skin, line, and crows feet. Genetics also plays a role in how our skin ages and some of us will start to see the signs before other. If by looking at your mother and grandmother you know that you’ll have great skin, that still shouldn’t preclude an early start. What we all need to be doing is heading off disaster at the pass, as quickly as possible.

In our twenties, most of us revel in the beauty that is younger skin, free of the hormone induced pimple-apocalypse that were our teenage years. We don’t sleep enough, we get too much sun, likely forgetting sunscreen most days, and generally don’t think ahead to the days when we’ll start to experience crepey skin, line, and crows feet. Genetics also plays a role in how our skin ages and some of us will start to see the signs before other. If by looking at your mother and grandmother you know that you’ll have great skin, that still shouldn’t preclude an early start. What we all need to be doing is heading off disaster at the pass, as quickly as possible.

As we get older, our skin starts producing many of the things that keep us looking younger in less quantities. Things like collagen that plumps the skin and minimises the look of wrinkles, or elastin that keeps things firmly in place so we don’t start sagging. When looking for an anti-aging product, you should look for one that contains DMAE, Retinol, Hyaluronic Acid and vitamin C. These are the main skin care ingredients that will make any anti-aging products worth it. But you may still be wondering why you should start using them in your twenties when you don’t have to worry about visible signs of aging. Well, here are some of the top reasons why.

Keeping Things Tight.

DMAE is a membrane stabiliser that will help with retaining the elasticity and firmness of the skin, whilst also contributing to tighten it. You can think of skin elasticity like a rubber band, when you stretch and let it go it snaps back to it’s original shape. When your skin is firm and elastic it’s less likely to wrinkle from pulling or tugging. As a bonus, DMAE will also aid with brightening the skin so it doesn’t look dull and sallow.

Suppleness and Moisture.

Almost everyone knows the benefits of hyaluronic acid at this point, it’s used in a host of cosmetics from creams to foundations. What it is, is a humectant or in lay terms a moisture attractor. It acts on the skin by attracting moisture and then using this moisture to help things keep it’s shape. Because of it’s shape retaining properties it’s one of the most important ingredient in any any anti-aging formula, and if your anti-aging cream doesn’t have it as an ingredient, you should throw it out. Since hyaluronic acid is naturally occuring within our bodies and only starts to deplete with age, it’s perfectly safe and not at all harsh on the skin.

Avoiding Sun Spots and Blemishes.

As children and into puberty our skin cell turnover is rapid. Our bodies will produce new skin cells typically every 28 days, that’s it’s way of keeping us looking young and fresh. Like collagen and elastin, once we hit our twenties that process starts to slow down. It’s the reason blemishes take so long to fade, or why we may have more skin congestive issues such as pimples, blackheads or whiteheads. Retinol is a powerful agent in aiding with skin cell turnover once our bodies start doing it less efficiently. It works by sloughing off dead skin cells, which in turn encourages our bodies to produce new ones. This results in clearer, more bright and blemish free skin.

Fighting Free Radicals.

We all expose ourselves to the sun daily, some of us more than we should. Overexposure to both types of ultraviolet radiation, UVA and UVB, starts to degrade the collagen in the skin. Vitamin C is essential to collagen production and is also a very potent antioxidant. Most people think that they can get enough through vitamin C rich foods or supplements, but the truth is that very little reaches the skin once it’s been ingested.

The best way for our skin to get the amount of vitamin C that it needs in order for it to be able to fight the good fight, is to apply it directly to the skin so it absorbs. The antioxidant properties of vitamin C, neutralises the free radicals that attack our skin. Without getting too technical about it, free radicals are everywhere and in everything, what they are is an unpaired molecule. When a molecule is unpaired it basically floats around looking for something to attach to because alone, it has no real purpose. When it finds your skin it will attach to any atoms from the electrons in the skin.

When these atoms are taken away from their original molecules and purpose of strengthening the skin, that causes havoc. This in turn causes damage, making our skin look more aged by creating wrinkles and lines. It also leaves the skin unable to adequately defend itself, so a pimple lasts longer, as do the blemishes from said pimples.

Prevention is better than having to cure. That’s something my grandmother would say to me all the time, and it’s as true for every day life as it is for your skin care. We do so much damage to our skin daily, most of the time without even knowing it. Once things start to go badly with skin care or anything else, it takes time and can often become more expensive to fix than if we’d just done it properly the first time. Start using anti-aging products before your skin tells you that you need them, this way at the age when you should be needing them, you’re way ahead of the game.

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